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                Media reports

                Electric telescopic door how much one meter

                2022-03-18 14:03:26 HuanLi

                1, low grade door body price 400-600 yuan/m, middle grade 600-100 yuan/m, more than 1000 yuan/m; 2, track head 2000-3000 yuan, trackless 4000-5000 yuan. < P >3, a 12 meter telescopic door, choose the more common crown door series, trackless motor. Price is 700×12+4500=12900 yuan 4, electric telescopic door quotation: six hundred to three thousand pieces between one meter 5, aluminum alloy 340-980 yuan/meter single and double track motor 1300-1500 yuan/trackless motor 2300-2500 yuan/set 6, stainless steel 400-700 yuan/meter single and double track motor 7, fine polishing 590-1300 yuan/meter single and double track motor 1500-2400 yuan/trackless motor 2500-3800 yuan/set < P >
